Girls STEAM Institute Weekly Meetup: Pitch Elevator

Girls STEAM Institute weekly meetup exploring the Apollo Launch Pad in ENGAGE XR.Tomorrow, May 9, 2024, join Educators in VR and the Girls STEAM Institute (GSI) in ENGAGE XR for their weekly meetup supporting our future leaders exploring emerging technology, leadership, and entrepreneurship. This week’s session is a highly interactive skill-building session in the new Educators in VR Pitch Elevator.

Inspired by the Elevator Pitch concept created by Robert Vogel of UMZ, an expert in professional business development in ENGAGE XR, the EDVR Pitch Elevator allows participants to time their pitches to a minute, helping them refine their pitching skills, whether introducing themselves or trying to sell an idea or business.

Girls STEAM Institute weekly meetup session in ENGAGE XR.Girls STEAM Institute (GSI) is a nonprofit mentoring girls aged 13-30 from around the world to lead careers in computer, space, education, and technology global industries. In addition to the weekly Girls STEAM Institute educational and networking sessions in ENGAGE XR, Educators in VR produces the annually Girls STEAM Institute Business Challenge in VR bringing together high school girls from around the world to compete with teams on a business hack-a-thon business development project based upon the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Over the years, a few of the projects moved into production, creating new job opportunities for their communities.

Girls STEAM Institute weekly meetup exploring the Titanic in ENGAGE XR.
As a GSI partner, we invite you to join all our free weekly events in ENGAGE XR. Bring along students to help support them, and consider becoming a mentor and volunteer. These events are open to everyone of all ages to help them not just learn and improve their professional skills, but to learn how we can support girls of all ages as they are our future leaders and visionaries!

For more information, visit Girls STEAM Institute (GSI) website, and join us on Thursday for your ride in the Pitch Elevator.

For more information on how to attend this and other Educators in VR events, check out our “How to Attend a VR Event” guide.

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